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Dedicated to supporting

health safety during

these difficult times.

Our Mission
We leverage public and private partnerships to aid Indonesia in crisis prevention, mitigation, & response against the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 Response Center Artha Graha Peduli will provide funding and support to those facing immediate threat to their health as a result of the pandemic.
End Goal
To achieve our fundraising goal to provide protective tools for healthcare workers and the public.
To deliver solutions, actions and results
to reduce the health and economic impacts of COVID-19 on Indonesian society.

We deliver solutions by

providing protective tools

for healthcare workers

and the public.

Our efforts focused on,
Rapid deployment of scalable Field Hospitals for testing and treatment.
Mobilizing Home Care Kits for families to enable preventative solutions and home care for mild cases. (Increase the public’s confidence in the fight against COVID-19 and lessen the impact on the healthcare system).
Providing Protective Gear for healthcare workers.
Leading Healthcare Worker Recruitment & Training based on international standards.
Producing Daily Situation Reports, hospital statistics and social media analyses.
Providing Public Relations & Media coverage
 to deliver accurate messaging using Indonesian
and international celebrities.
Developing Clinical Paths for Private Testing & Care with options for Medivac.
Advocating Insurance Coverage Solutions for testing and treatment. 

With the right skills

and commitment,

we can reduce the health

and economic impact

of COVID-19.

We support to whom urgently needed,
Personal Protective Equipment for healthcare workers who are testing and treating COVID-19 patients.
Quick result testing equipment (fixed and mobile) for COVID-19.
Sanitation and Home Care Kits for the less fortunate. 
Up-to-date information on Travel Restrictions and requirements. 
Field & mobile hospitals and healthcare equipment, such as Evacuation Chambers for
 stretchers with negative pressure, Decontamination Unit (from viruses/bacteria), Isolation Chambers (with negative pressure), Cold Storage Box for specimen containment, and Information Management Support.
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